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Healthcare maintenance

Having good health is about maintenance. Having a good car, good teeth, a nice house is also about maintenance. For heath, it’s what we put in our bodies, how we use our bodies, how we care for our bodies. These things will determine how well our bodies work. When we don’t maintain our bodies, they fall apart. What are some things that can be done to insure proper body maintenance?

1. Eat minimally processed food.

Minimally processed food is good for the maintenance of a healthy frame. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, low fat meats for protein and healthy fats like avocados and olive oil is a good way to go. Stay clear of eating processed foods, like those foods out of a can or package. This enables you to get the most nutrients out of the food including all the enzymes that are present in fresh food.

2. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day, every day.

Your body is minimally 70% water. Having good amounts of water allows for good circulation, flushing out toxins and soft tissues, good bowel movements, maintaining blood pressure. If you are not used to drinking water, get a 2 liter water bottle, fill it and drink it every day. You will get used to ingesting this amount of water and when you don't, your body will ask for it in the form of being thirsty.

3. Exercise

Try to exercise at least 30 minutes at least 4-5 days per week. Movement is good for every part of your body - your heart, lungs, circulation, muscles, bone density, weight control. As long as you are cleared by your medical doctor, get year heart rate up. Exercising individuals heal better because they have better circulation.

4. Get your proper checkups.

Make sure that you are doing your regular yearly physical. Get your teeth cleaned and vision checked.

5. Get some downtime.

Get outside. Enjoy life. Spend time with your family. Go on vacation more. Spend some time relaxing and enjoying people.

Don’t let your health go or it will let you go. Health is about maintenance. If you don’t have your health, you can’t do much of anything or be helpful to anyone. You are worth it! Treat your body well!

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