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The Oldest Biohack Ever

What I’m about to discuss is not a new discovery but more like a mystery revealed, one that is as old as the creation of the earth! It’s called “Earthing”, a phenomenon your body experiences when it is directly contacting the ground! Let me explain.

Our bodies are electrically conductive, and consists of many electrical sub-systems. For instance, the cadence of our heart at rest and while active are the result of a series of electrical charges that began at conception. Our muscles operate voluntarily and involuntarily from continuous electrical signals from the brain. Our eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin receive constant data from our environment, thousands of data bits that are transmitted electrically to our brain to be interpreted into meaningful information. How we respond emotionally, physically, and biologically is what makes us living human beings, always interacting with others and our environment. Connecting our bodies directly to the ground (or to a body of water) evokes a pleasant response, and we feel this sense intuitively. Plants grow and come to life by contacting the earth, and likewise, our bodies are receptacles for connecting with this energy.

The planet we live on is robust with virtually endless energy--like a battery that is continually being replenished by solar radiation, lightning, heat from a metal and mineral core, ocean water, and a thriving ecosystem of plant life rooted into the ground. You may say that our bodies are “happier” whenever we come into direct contact with the ground. Why? Our electrically conductive body can discharge accumulated energy by being grounded to the earth, much like when we discharge static electricity when we touch the metal door in our car or touch a door knob. Throughout the day, our body accumulates all kinds of energy from exposure to dense Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) produced by modern computers, generators, and other electronic devices. WiFi, satellite, radio and other invisible energy transmitted over the air is a relatively new synthetic phenomenon that has only been around more recently. We don’t actually know what generational exposure to EMF can mean to our health! The World Health Organization recognizes this phenomenon and acknowledges this to-be-determined potential ill-effect on humans...only time will tell.

So what does grounding do to the body?

We live in a highly insulated environment. Our rubber soled shoes, our vehicles, and our furniture keep us away from making direct skin contact with the earth. Grounding ourselves with the earth does several things...

  • Immediately discharges static electricity in our body

  • Transfers electrons from the earth into the body

  • Stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system

  • Reduces sympathetic nervous system tone

What it can mean to us is that grounding can perhaps “drain” or pull the kind of noisy, static-like, electrical potential we build up from stress and EMF and thereby stabilize our internal bioelectric field...something that our bodies need to do in order to effectively rest, sleep, and conduct normal biological cell functions. It is also a well known fact that electrons from antioxidant molecules can neutralize Reactive Oxygen Species (aka free radicals) that disrupt healthy cell function and cause inflammatory reactions.

Earthing or grounding is not a treatment!

We spend most of our days exposed to electronic devices and electrical current. More recently, EMF exposure has been associated with cellular dysfunction and disrupting molecular bonds between healthy cells, much like how x-ray and radioactive energy affects cells. Grounding is an opportunity for our bioelectric system to acquire electrons freely by connecting with the activity we all have access to.

Our bodies are always seeking a way to happiness, longing and striving for a sense of balance in form and in function. Getting yourself grounded on a regular basis can be extremely therapeutic by reducing stress and improving sleep--something we all need more of in the modern technological era! So take your shoes and socks off, and see you outside!

Dr. Adrian Pujayana has been providing drug-free solutions for health and wellness to adults,athletes, and youth since 2000 through his private practice at Family Chiropractic Center of South Pasadena, a place for strength training and nutrition based health care. For comments or questions, email him at

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