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Damage Control the Holidays: The Post-Party Detox Plan

Our relationship with food often takes a different turn around the holidays, often turning abusive and reckless which leads to regret and desperate need for reconciliation soon after. What we allow into our bodies can mend but can also be harmful depending on the concentration. Generally speaking, reactions tend to be driven by the increased presence of substrates. For example, occasional encounters with cigarette smoke may cause a temporary irritation to the respiratory tract, but frequent exposure could lead to a chain of other health problems that is more chronic and even permanent. The foods we eat, or not eat, will also produce responses from our body. In the case of deficiency, foods can be restorative and allow our bodies to function the way it was meant to. In cases of abundance, or in the context of our holiday eating…reckless excessiveness, our bodies become overwhelmed and store fat, swell, and experience symptoms of food toxicity that is likely to come from too much sugar, fats, salt and alcohol.

Now I know it’s presumptuous of me to say that the holiday parties and gatherings lead to degenerate, unhealthy behavior patterns. But according to the law of mass action, the rate of reaction is proportional to the product of the activities or concentrations of the reactants. Meaning… the more parties you attend, the more foods you encounter, the more travel you do, and the more activities center around food…the more likely you are to behave impulsively, eat recklessly, and lounge more frequently. Here’s a damage control strategy I recommend for those times you regret having your cake and eating it (…probably most of it) too!

  1. Drink 2-3 liters of water per day.

  2. Avoid intake of ALL processed sugary foods like sodas, fruit juices, desserts, pastries, and bread products. Also, get rid of leftover treats! C’mon! You can do it!!

  3. Consume colorful vegetables and salads with NO dressing, spices and citrus okay. Don’t forget your protein source that is grilled or baked.Substitute with beans and legumes if you are a vegetarian. Vegetables are like sponges for your digestive tract and facilitates removal of cellular waste byproducts.

  4. Eat fruits sparingly! Although full of nutrients, they are also full of sugars.

  5. Plan to perspire. Get at least 15 minutes a day of walking, running, or anything that gets your heart rate high enough to sweat out the sodium.

  6. Don’t add sugars in your drinks, avoid fruit juices, soda, and sugar containing snacks. Instead, snack on unsalted raw almonds, walnuts, snow peas or edamame.

  7. Finally, get at least 8 hours of sleep for 3 continuous nights during the detox. Your body cleans itself while you sleep!

You might find yourself having to make a detour after departing from your well intentioned healthy behavior patterns. Have an eating or activity plan BEFORE you arrive at the event, and enjoy the party everyone!

Dr. Adrian Pujayana has been providing drug-free solutions for health and wellness to adults, athletes, and youth since 2000 through his private practice at Family Chiropractic Center of South Pasadena, a place for strength training and nutrition based health care.

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