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Exercise is easy, eating is hard!

This may sound a bit oversimplified, and somewhat minimimalistic, but Personal Trainers have it easy. Don’t take it the wrong way, because I think they are necessary for most people who need to make meaningful change and add challenge to a fitness quest. At the end of the day, the client will appear for a session at a pre-arranged time, perform a tailored program of exercises, then leave while nature does the rest of the internal work over the next few hours or few days.

The same client is faced with another challenge that may last the rest of their waking day…and that is, the challenge of managing a post-exercise appetite and meal choices to make exercise be more effective. Here’s the situation most people face…they can show up to the gym once a day and get their activity done, then it’s done! Then they face dozens of choices throughout the day regarding food issues like meal timing, snacking, and impulsive eating.

Controlling our eating habits is one of the hardest disciplines to undertake because it involves so much introspection and effort to examine why we choose the foods we eat. Most of the time we eat based on our emotional connection to our food and how they can fulfill a reward for us when we consume them. It is why you don’t want to ask yourself “what do I feel like eating?” but rather, “what does my body need?”.

Choices become limited when you ask what is needed versus what is wanted. Fortunately, there are lots of options today for the Paleo-Keto-Vegan foodie who want to make conscientious food options. The truth is that dietary interventions are hard and tend to limit our eating options, but it’s necessary if you are in the category of those who need or benefit from an intervention in their dietary habits.

How do you know if you need a dietary intervention? If you say yes to any of the following, you may consider a change in how you relate to your food, and benefit from a dietary intervention.

  1. Do you have body inflammation?

Classic signs of short-term inflammation include redness, pain, heat and swelling. But chronic (long-term) inflammation occurs without any noticeable symptoms which can drive illnesses like diabetes, heart conditions, fatty liver disease and even cancer. Skin conditions can also indicate internal inflammation processes!

  1. Do you have excess bloating, abdominal discomfort or gas?

You may be having hypersensitivity or even an allergic reaction to certain foods like dairy, wheat, and certain compounds in mixed ingredients. Lab tests can differentiate many of these allergens from your diet.

  1. Do you have chronic fatigue?

Feeling chronically tired despite rest can indicate a body under stress whether it is physical, mental, or biochemical.

  1. Do you need to gain or lose weight?

Altering your current body weight requires thoughtful choices in order to accomplish gains or losses safely.

  1. Do you have foggy or sluggish cognition?

This is often subjective, but if you notice your processing is slower than usual, clarity is questionable at times, and feel slow to respond, you may benefit from better dietary choices.

These are non-exhaustive questions regarding your state of health, and you may benefit from a consultation with a healthcare provider who is trained in nutritional intervention. So retro-perspective, exercise IS easy, so get it over with! Eating is hard…work on it constantly!

Dr. Adrian Pujayana has been providing drug-free solutions for health and wellness to adults, athletes, and youth since 2000 through his private practice at Family Chiropractic Center of South Pasadena, a place for strength training and nutrition based health care.

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Family Chiropractic Center of South Pasadena

1017 Fremont Ave. Suite A

South Pasadena, CA  91030


Phone (626) 441 - 4888

Fax (626) 441 - 5680

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