Part II: Quality, Potency, Validity, Vendor, Relevance and Risk
In “Part I: Prevalence of dietary and supplement use” I outlined the growing national interest in personal use of supplements and health...
Part I: Prevalence of Dietary and Herbal Supplement use
The dietary supplement industry contributes a significant amount to the U.S. economy, accounting for about $121 billion in total economic...
Illness and injury are almost immediately noticeable when they occur. So is energy change, especially when you have none! What’s harder...
Achieving fitness goals before, during and after pregnancy
A lot goes into developing an exercise prescription surrounding pregnancy, and is most often determined by the mother’s individual...
Do you need a protein shake?
Proteins are composed of chains of amino acids that exert their influence on thousands of biological functions which include nutrition,...
5 Alternatives to doing Squats
It’s conventional practice in personal training and coaching to perform squats in order to develop the legs, glutes and back. Squats...
Losing the Right Things to Win
Weight gain is an issue that affects individual wellness on a personal as well as a national level. Weight gain is not always bad, but...
The Hardest Part About Eating…
Dietary and exercise programming are the 2 most used interventions I use in my practice, in addition to the use of physical and manual...
Non-verbal Communication and Posturing
In the animal kingdom, body language conveys what speech cannot express, and is almost universally understood between the species. ...
Probiotics and Immune Function
Our immune system operates on many different layers to defend the body against bacteria and viruses that harm the body. The skin and...